Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Life Insurance Myths: Don't Believe These

This story by Kanetix reveals the top six myths about life insurance in Canada. Could you be making some of the same life insurance mistakes listed in this article? Is it possible that you have been holding back on coverage because you thought you don’t need it or maybe you think you can’t afford coverage?

Here are some reasons you shouldn’t avoid getting Canadian life insurance:

  • You think you don’t need it if you don’t work
  • You think you won’t need life insurance if you work at home
  • You think you can always get life insurance later
  • You think it’s too difficult to get a life insurance policy
  • You thin the life insurance you are offered from work will be enough

Then there are also people who avoid getting a life insurance policy because they simply don’t want to think about their own deaths. While the topic is often considered taboo, it is an inevitable fact that we will all die at some point. It’s important that you accept this fact and contact someone about a Canadian life insurance policy today. It’s fast and easy to get a free life insurance quote.

Once you become aware of the common myths about life insurance, you can be sure you don’t make the same mistakes. Get coverage and get it as early as possible so that your family will not have to suffer the added burden of financial worries after you pass. Don’t allow common myths like these to hold you back and prevent you from getting important protection that you need.


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June 03, 2014 6:44 AM  

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